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Education “schools & universities”

Education “schools & universities”

Enable lessons, lectures and opportunities for students
Schools in remote areas need not be at an educational disadvantage. Whether it’s Internet access for rural classrooms beyond the reach of terrestrial broadband or via video streaming for universities, iDirect technology opens doors for any educational network.

As more people than ever seek higher education, distance learning has become a strategic initiative for the world’s colleges and universities, and satellite communication plays a key role in education and training. iDirect’s broadband technology enables interactive distance learning that improves productivity, provides an easily accessible forum for anyone, anywhere, and is cost effective. Regardless of a student’s location around the globe, satellite communication reaches every corner so that quality education and training is assured.

Whether it’s providing an IP-based satellite solution to students abroad, or government’s providing training for their country’s citizens, education and training are vital for a country’s economic health and general morale.

Reasons for Satellite Communications

• Satellite broadband technology allows rural communities to experience the same level of education and services that are within urban centers.Satellite connectivity can be delivered anywhere in the country or across the globe. With no wires needed, satellite is quick to deploy wherever the school or training center is located.

• Satellite is cost-effective for education and training. While educational facilities yearn to break down the barriers that separate distance classrooms from their main campus counterparts, they also seek to improve the efficiency and cost of delivering courses remotely.

• Utilizing satellite enables videoconferencing, live lectures via telephone and even real-time collaborative tools, such as a digital whiteboard where content can be modified in real time, all at a low cost.